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Tribute to Juliette Benzoni
30.10. 1920 - 7.2. 2016


On 7 February 2016 Juliette Benzoni's ambassadresses (as named by Juliette Benzoni) Linda and Frédérique had the difficult task to inform all her faithful readers and friends (via their websites and four official Facebook pages) that our beloved author Juliette Benzoni had peacefully passed away on Sunday 7 February 2016.

Every time we were invited to Juliette's home at Saint-Mandé I thought it was like entering a room in a castle where a venerable queen was waiting for us.
Like a ritual, without ever talking to each other, we would take our assigned places on the white sofa. When it was time to leave and say goodbye, Juliette used to say to us with a smile:
« When are you girls coming back » ? and we would say in unison « as soon as possible » and smile back at her with a tender embrace... see you soon Juliette....

8 February 2016
Personal note to Linda and Frédérique by journalist and author Vincent Meylan...

I remember very well when you first came to Juliette's house. She was a little anxious. What do you think they want to ask me? She asked me. And then immediately, she loved you both. You made her very happy. It was you who made it clear to her that she did not have to worry that journalists ignored her. You brought her the love of her readers and that's all that mattered. I am sending you my email in a private message, needless to say that I would be happy to meet you both whenever you want. I send my best regards and don't forget to read a few pages of one of Juliette's books tonight.

I so understand how dreadful these days must have been for both of you. So many of us feel the loss of Juliette tonight. I know this is something very personal to say, but maybe it will help you a bit. I have decided a long time ago that I would never accept that someone is dead. I just live with it. I do not think people are ever gone. I keep dead people which I love, always with me - this is quite easy to do in Juliette’s case. Yesterday evening I started reading again ˈCatherineˈ and I so love it. I am very thankful to Juliette for having written such amazing books, which always take me to a place I enjoy so much. Juliette is not gone. You just have to open one of her books to be close to her. Try it. Vincent


8 February 2016
On Facebook, la Reine des Romans historiques text by Linda and Frédérique

We regret to inform you that we have lost our very dear Juliette, our beloved author, on February 7, 2016. She died very quietly in her sleep, her daughter Anne at her side!
She was 95 years old and for more than 50 years she has taught us so much about the world of history by entertaining us with her magnificent characters to whom we have become so attached! She leaves us 86 little jewels to read and reread with as much pleasure as ever.

For us, she was more than our favorite author, she had adopted us, we were her daughters of the Great Roads and we will miss immensely. All our thoughts go out to her daughter Anne.

Frédérique and Linda

Good-bye beloved Juliette

12 February 2016
acebook, la Reine des Romans historiques - by Linda and Frédérique

« Then weep for her,  weep as long as you want ! One cannot mourn enough for a woman like her

(Rewriting of a sentence we find at the end of the fifth Catherine book
« Catherine and a Time for Love »  text chosen by Linda Compagnoni Walther)

We are still under the impression having accompanied Anne, Juliette's daughter, in these last moments, together with her faithful publisher Gregory Berthier-Gabrièle to say a last farewell to our beloved Juliette in the Notre Dame de Saint-Mandé church.

Many were present to say one last goodbye to this extraordinary woman. Family and close friends like Chantal de Badts (Author) or Françoise Fougerolle (close friend). The mayor of Saint-Mandé, Monsieur Patrick Beaudouin. Jean des Cars (Author) colleague and friend.

The world of television: Dame Marion Sarraut (Film director), her very close friend from those unforgettable times of the shooting of Juliette's best-sellers, Marianne, a Star for Napoléon, Catherine, One Love is Enough, Le Gerfaut (The Lure of the Falcon) and La Florentine.

Mme Catherine Jurquet
(producer of these series) Claudine Ancelot, our Catherine de Montsalvy and Gérard Chambre, who played in Catherine, Marianne and Le Gerfaut.

Several editors of Juliette were represented: ˈEditions Plonˈ with Grégory Berthier-Gabrièle, ˈEditions Perrinˈ with Patrick de Bourgues, ˈEditions Pocketˈ with Mme Brehan, ˈEditions Bartillatˈ Mme Constance de Bartillat  with Xavier de Bartillat. Her new British publisher
ˈTelos Publishingˈ had sent a beautiful bouquet!

Father Jérôme Gavois, a friend of the family, celebrated Mass, while the organ played in the background ˈSchubert'sˈ Ave Maria. Her dear publisher Gregory Berthier-Gabrièle read his magnificent tribute that honoured Juliette, a woman loved all over the world.
A last look and the coffin covered with magnificent flowers was carried away...

Au-revoir sweet Lady of Saint Mandé... until our next meeting under new heavens...

« Les filles des grands chemins »
Frédérique, Linda, Hélène and Claudia

13 February 2016
Facebook, la Reine des Romans historiques - by Linda et Frédérique

And for all of you, her faithful readers, a small gift: a photo of the room where our granddame wrote these magnificent stories that fill our libraries...
We will miss her so much but will continue to live through all the words that came out of this typewriter that she never wanted to give up for a computer....

A little anecdote what the Author said about a Computer :

« In general, I take notes and then type directly on my LCD machine. Then I give the manuscript to my daughter who retypes it on her computer and gives a diskette to my publisher. The computer to me is an enemy. The first time I switched one on, I saw it appear on the "going to sleep" screen, so you understand...» Juliette Benzoni

(extract from the French Newspaper Le Figaro, March 2001)

On Facebook, la Reine des Romans historiques - by Linda et Frédérique

Juliette Benzoni was buried on February 15 in Saint-Mandé, her home town since she was 15 years old, in the presence of family and some close friends. She rests in the family vault with her mother, her husband André Benzoni and her son Jean-François Gallois.
For those who want to meditate, know that you have the blessing of her daughter Anne.

Cemetary of Saint-Mandé SUD (near of la Porte Dorée)
Division 16 (on the left as you enter)


The name of Juliette Benzoni is engraved on the right side of the tomb


My heart is sorrowful, but this is not a farewell...
Saint-Mandé 12 February 2016, by Linda Compagnoni Walther

On one of our visits, Juliette, all smiles, asked us if we had entered her study. We replied but no, we would not have allowed ourselves to enter the chamber without her permission... Her response?
« But of course you can go in and have a look where I work »! Today we enter it but with a melancholic heart... the typewriter is ready to be used, the drawer is open, a notebook on the table... a book about the history of the Duchess of Berry... the room is so silent... indeed if the typewriter could speak - we leave the abandoned premises on  tiptoes...


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